Becoming an approved broker

All agents and brokers who do business with OneBeacon® are provided access to our dedicated, secure Producer Portal. This self-service website offers access to claims, billing, experience reports, commission statements and more.

To become an approved agent or broker, contact our agency licensing group by completing the email form or email us directly at

How to obtain login credentials

Need login credentials to access the Portal? If you're already an approved agent or broker you can request your login ID by completing the email form or by contacting your agency security administrator.

What is an agency security administrator?

Your agency security administrator is an individual within your agency or brokerage who has been granted the ability to add, update and deactivate your staff’s access to the OneBeacon Producer Portal.  The security administrator has the authority to administer users' logon credentials and reset passwords. If you're not sure who your security administrator is contact us and we can help.